Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Sunday opening: maps from the tourist areas envisaged in Paris, Deauville, Nice and Cannes – TF1

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the August 18, 2015 at 20:09, updated the August 19, 2015 at 13:10.

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See also

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consumption The Macron law adopted and Sunday work will be expanded. International tourist areas, where it is possible to work on Sundays and in the evening until midnight, have been defined for the cities of Paris, Deauville, Nice or Cannes. But the Parisian trade unions are opposed to the map proposed by Bercy.

The Ministry of Economy has unveiled the cards of international tourist areas it plans to set up, where it is possible to work on Sundays and in the evening until midnight. But the Parisian trade unions (CGT, SUD, UNSA, CFDT) protested Monday against the draft decree defining future international tourist areas (ZTI) Paris . These organizations see it as proof that the goal of the law is the Macron “generalization of Sunday work.”

In these new areas, shops can open on Sundays and in the evening until midnight. The cards delivered by the ministry show that the government has seen big. There will be 12 tourist areas in Paris, against eight now:

  • – The Montmartre area in the eighteenth arrondissement
    – The surroundings of the Avenue Montaigne and the Champs-Elysées and the Avenue de la Grande Armée, Porte Maillot, the Avenue des Ternes.
    – The Halles district
    – The Holy sector Germain and the adjacent Saint-Sulpice plus the Rue de Rennes
    – An area from the Madeleine to the Opera and the Gare Saint-Lazare.
    – Vendome Saint Honore
    – The edge of the Marais and the Place de la Republique.
    – The Beaugrenelle area in the fifteenth arrondissement
    – The course Saint-Emilion and the François Mitterrand Library in the thirteenth arrondissement
    – The area around the Place d’Italie to the Porte d’Ivry

  • The projects, which involve in Paris” 12 zones and almost all the stations, “go” well beyond the perimeters strong international tourist associates who served as a pretext for the development of the law “Macron, highlights the employees’ organizations. The latter notes that “all Parisian shopping centers are also included in the scope” of new tourist areas. The centers “Beaugrenelle, Bercy 2, Italy 2, which are not exactly known for their international tourist crowds” renchérissent unions.

    Click-P which groups unions opposed the extension of Sunday work also notes that even if “the Fnac amendment was retoqué during the second pass of the law to the National Assembly”, the CEO of the sign Alexandre Bompard “finally gets satisfaction since all the Parisian’s stores are found in the ZTI “.

    ” This is by no means widespread opening of shops on Sundays since these proposed zones correspond to only 6% of the area of ​​the capital, “responded the firm the Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron. “All of these areas correspond to important transportation areas with a strong hotel presence and monuments participating in the tourist traffic of Paris,” insists Bercy.

    “We are in a phase of consultation with elected premises. This map was submitted for review to the actors. The proposed areas correspond to the three criteria defined by the law, namely the international influence areas, the influx of tourists residing outside France and the importance of their purchases ” said the spokesman of the Ministry. “The principle that defines the opening of shops on Sundays will be well within the agreement of each company,” she assured.

  • The ministry also unveiled the map of the tourist area considered at Deauville, Nice and Cannes :

  • The tourist zone contemplated in Deauville  The tourist zone contemplated in Nice
    The international tourist area envisaged in Cannes

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