Thursday, February 26, 2015

Switzerland always file the most patents per capita –

Switzerland always file the most patents per capita –

Switzerland remains the world leader in terms of number of patents per capita. She filed last year, at European level, the equivalent of 848 applications per million inhabitants. The European Union (EU) as a whole shows only 131 applications, according to the European Patent Office (EPO).

Switzerland far ahead of Finland (416), the Netherlands (406) , Sweden (395), Denmark (354) and Germany (316), who filed nearly half the patents. For the second consecutive year, however, the total number of Swiss requests fell slightly (-3.1%).

7900 applications in total, Switzerland has fallen from 7th to 8th place globally, and 3rd to 4th place in the European rankings, behind Germany, France and the Netherlands, according to the EPO figures released Thursday.

ABB has filed the most patents

                   ABB Zurich electrical engineering group, like in 2013, the Swiss champion of patent applications (with 450). This is followed by the Vaud giant Nestlé supply (442), the Swiss entity Alstom (408) and pharmaceutical companies Roche Basel (357) and Novartis (323).

The areas most represented are measurement techniques (10%), organic chemistry (8%), technical equipment and machinery (7%), medical technology (7%) and pharma (6%).

Three universities are among the top 25 Swiss applicants: Federal Institutes of Technology in Zurich (66) and Lausanne (46) and the University of Zurich (43)

Weight of.
                   The EPO has identified a new record in 2014 with 274,000 266’000 deposits against the previous year (+ 3.1%). “European patent Demand increased for the fifth consecutive year,” said Benoît Battistelli, President of the EPO, said in the statement.

He said: “Europe is consolidating its role as a major hub of technology and innovation in the eyes of many companies around the world “

Five European companies glide among the top ten international patent applicants. Philips Netherlands (2nd) German Siemens (3rd), BASF (6th) and Robert Bosch (8th) and Sweden’s Ericsson (9th). South Korea’s Samsung retains its position as world leader in innovation, with deposits in 2539.

At the international level, the United States account for most patent applications, with an increase of 6.8 % in one year. Nevertheless, it is China that has seen the largest growth, with 18.2% of deposits and more.

(ats / 02.26.2015 3:57 p.m.)

(TTY / 02.26.2015 3:57 p.m.) ^ ->

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