Sunday, November 9, 2014

Highways: Macron promises “more pressure” on … – Boursorama

Highways: Macron promises "more pressure" on … – Boursorama

 The French Minister of Econçomie Emmanuel Macron (d) alongside his colleague Michel Sapin Finance during a session of questions to the government at the National Assembly in Paris November 5, 2014 (AFP / Archives / Patrick Kovarik)

The French Minister of Econçomie Emmanuel Macron (d) alongside his colleague Michel Sapin Finance during a session of questions to Government to the National Assembly in Paris November 5, 2014 (AFP / File / Patrick Kovarik)

The Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron has promised to impose “more pressure” on the motorway companies in a situation of “annuity” according to a recent report, and even to “lower prices wherever possible” in an interview broadcast Sunday.

Guest magazine Capital on M6 Mr. Macron, the bill on the activity to be presented in December at the Council of Ministers, has developed several components already presented in outline in mid-October.

It is especially on the motorway income rates, nearly two months after the publication of a report by the Competition Authority that pointed a return of 20% or more of concessionaires, amid tolls increasing faster than prices since privatization in 2006.

“We’ll put a lot more pressure on the motorway companies. These are not words. A regulatory authority, a gendarme, who is already on some transport will expand their skills, “said Mr. Macron, while the regulatory authority of railway operations (Araf) has already indicated that it may well see its mission expanded.

“Specifically, year after year, we will lock and keep the pressure to lower the cost of motorway companies. We will lower prices wherever possible, “the minister added.

The Competition Authority, during the presentation of his report on September 18, had found that the formulations contracts concession in effect barred the way for such a decline, even if deflation.

In terms of regulated professions, Mr. Macron reiterated his desire to see “the charges for notaries (… ) is closer to the actual costs “and assured that” the current rates will become ceilings. “He also wanted to” open up the profession. Create notarial offices, creating thousands of “simplifying rules for opening.

Finally, another aspect of the bill, Sunday work, which would be up to 12 weeks year as municipal authorization, Mr. Macron sought to reassure employees.

“In the law, we will apply the principle of compensation. All the people who work on Sunday there will be law, “he reiterated, while warning that” the law should not be rigid. This compensation must be negotiated with flexibility. Branch by branch. Territory by territory “

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